What is PRP ?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma.  The principle of PRP therapy involves concentrating growth factors in a component of your own blood called platelets.  Blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.  Plasma is the non-cellular component of blood consisting mainly of water, electrolytes and proteins such as albumin and hormones.

PRP Injections for Pain

This involves an initial consultation with an anaesthetist taking a medical history to ascertain your suitability to the therapy.  The consultation will also explain the indications, contra-indications, benefits and risks of this therapy.

This therapy injection involves one session and will be carried out by the anaesthetist who dealt with your initial consultation.

In obtaining your own PRP, a 10 ml sample of blood is taken from you in a closed circuit system ensuring sterility.  The vacuum tube containing Hyaluronic acid and a patented cell separator gel together with your blood is then placed in a centrifuge and spun to separate the different components.  Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the collagen fibres of your body.   Studies have shown that injecting PRP with Hyaluronic acid produces better end results for pain control than PRP injections alone.  Please see link below.  The heaviest component, red blood cells settles to the bottom of the tube followed by white blood cells, then the cell separator  and finally the top layer consists of plasma.  This layer of plasma and platelets is then extracted into a syringe.  This syringe containing your platelet rich plasma (PRP) with various growth factors within, is then injected by the anaesthetist under sterile conditions using ultrasound guided visualisation of the site.

In the post PRP therapy period you will also receive three sessions with a physiotherapist.  Nutritional advice on foods will be provided for encouraging stem cell regeneration. All these are to help you with better outcome results.

Included with the therapy is a final follow up video/telephone call which will be arranged to establish progress and satisfaction of the therapy.

Initial Consultation Free

PRP Therapy x 1 with follow up video/telephone call £850


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Also included

Scientific Clinical Research Evidence for PRP for Pain supports this therapy.

Link to research

Link to research

Link to research